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Teatro en la Chácena

Friday, August 30, 2024
The courtyard of the Casa de Cultura, 22.30 h

Place of origin: Pamplona (Navarra)
Language: Spanish
Duration: 90 minutes
Genre: diverse
Price: €3

The company Teatro en la Chácena brings to the stage this libretto from the Théâtre du Soleil, which narrates, with the voices of the French people, some of the events of the first years of the Revolution: the convocation of the States General, the storming of the Bastille or the proclamation of Martial Law in July 1791, days after the kings fled to Varennes. The artisans of the Saint Antoine neighborhood, turned into street comedians, explain how they experienced the fading of hopes, the burst of joy and the collapse of dreams of equality. 1789 is a way of telling history.

Teatro en la Chácena

The company is made up of former students of the Liceo Monjardín Theater Workshop, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-three. Throughout its humble career, the group has been nurtured by boys and girls with various skills and characteristics, both artistic and social, but all of them passionate about the theater.

“They learn and we grow. We get lost and find each other. Despite the difficulties and failures, we will continue to meet and work for the same social mission: telling stories. Teatro en la Chácena welcomes lives with different concerns and ambitions, yet with the same dream.”

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