The Real Theatre
A visual story designed for adults, teenagers and children, together, in communion, sharing life and death, family and strangers, magic and reality. Looking for new theatrical languages, we delve into the emotional and narrative score of the life of Musamira, a little girl who steals our hearts with smiles and scratches. Then, we embark on a poetic journey, playing with a kaleidoscope of stage games, and crafting a story about sadly familiar stories. Odyssies of war and exile, where life sometimes brings together quite different people after a journey by sea. In this case, the sea brings to the Catalan coast the remains of the shipwreck of some particular lives. And any community welcomes newcomers. Little by little, a channel of brotherhood opens up between them; a world where they can share, dialogue and listen; a world where smiles and hugs heal everything. And life goes on with simplicity, with the renewed testimony of our ancestors.
The Real Theatre
The Associació 30 Ous Teatre Inconscient is a company whose purpose is to awaken the consciousness of the spectator through various proposals in which theatrical language is used to tell stories and propose experiences. The company was created in Palamós in 2021 by Núria Domènech and Bel Llambrich. The two actresses have a thirty-year career in the field of theatrical performance, as actresses, project directors and facilitators of group workshops with theatrical and therapeutic tools. The training and personal experience of both in both areas marks the distinctive feature of the company’s work.
Currently, the company has the following projects on its schedule:
– Clown terapèutic (‘Therapeutic clown’), with three levels of workshops.
– Fràgium (family theater).
– Reminiscències (‘Reminiscences’) (microtheatre). Adaptation of two short stories by Oliver Sacks.
– Tastavides (sensitive and experiential theatre). Through a conscious wine tasting, staging the parallelism between the wine process and the life of the human being. (Premiere: 13 September 2024.)
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