Casa de nines is one of the main works written by Henrik Ibsen and was the first work by the Norwegian playwright performed in Catalan. The author put feminism on stage in 1879 to show a reality that still did not exist.
The play is a contemporary drama where established morality and customs confront the egocentricity of the characters. The protagonist, Nora, a beautiful, individualistic and very pampered woman, ends up recognizing the falsity of everything around her and acting accordingly.
In October 2006, Tequatre appeared for the first time on theater stages. Since then, the company has had the opportunity to travel around the Països Catalans and abroad with its shows: Retalls (‘Snippets’), La moda que incomoda (‘The unsettling fashion’), El compta comtes (‘The Count Counter’), La història del cavaller Torbat (‘The story of the Troubled knight’), Una mà de llegendes (‘A handful of legends’), La llegenda del bruel (‘The legend of the bruel’), Les desventures d’en Pepet, (‘The misadventures of Pepet’) Ai las! On són les velles moles (‘What a pity! Where are the old wheels’), La llegenda de la comtessa de Quermançó (‘The legend of the countess of Quermançó’), Antígona a Nova York (‘Antigone in New York’), Figuretes de vidre (‘Glass figurines’), Metro (co-production), Un marit ideal (‘An ideal husband’), El bruel de Carles Fages de Climent (‘Carles Fages de Climent’s bruel’), Vols jugar… (‘Do you want to play…’), Ens ha caigut la sogra (‘Our mother-in-law has come’), Cortal Marí, Textos de l’Any Joan Perucho (‘Texts of the Year Joan Perucho’), Theresienstadt (collective show), No hi ha lladre que per bé no vingui (‘There is no thief who does not come for good’), Lectura de textos de Joan Margarit (‘Reading texts by Joan Margarit’), La gran nit (‘The great night’), Victòria (‘Victory’), Lectura de textos de Joan Fuster (‘Reading texts by Joan Fuster’), (in)ToleRàncies (‘(in)ToleRances’), Allò que hem deixat enrere! (‘What we left behind!’) (co-production), Lectura de textos de Josep Vallverdú (‘Reading texts by Josep Vallverdú’), Stereo Estrip and Casa de nines (premiered on March 23, 2024 at La Cate de Figueres).
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