Tràfec Teatre
Tuesday 22 August
In front of Casa Cultura, 18 h
Place of origin: Berga (Catalunya)
Language: body-language
Duration: 30 minuts
Genre: gestural
Price: free of charge
The play DESCRIA-LES meets the play PETONS. The first one is inspired by Jean Genet’s The Maids, while the second one seeks an intimate contact with the audience to create confusion between the actor and the spectator. The company cleans, prepare and takes care of all spaces to be able to perform any idea in them, and this is precisely what they will do: they will prepare the space to start performing.
Tràfec Teatre
Tràfec Teatre, like the maids who serve the mistress, serve the theatre. But, unlike them, they seek their own strategies, like theatrical ceremonies, to seduce the audience they love. They offer everything, body and soul. With the audience, they rediscover theatre and enjoy the experience together.
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