Grup de Teatre La Palma
The play The Rustics (originally ‘I rusteghi’) is one of Carlo Goldoni’s best-known comedies, which satirizes the old conservative and puritan tradition of the Venetian middle classes against the new Venetian frivolity. This work, premiered at the Teatro San Luca in Venice in 1760, is considered one of this author’s masterpieces and contains some of the most beautiful scenes of comic theater of all time. The work presents realistic and everyday characters. The four rustics are merchants of Venice who represent the old conservative and puritanical tradition of the Venetian middle classes. These characters are opposed to the new Venetian frivolity and a conflict is created between the two visions of society. The rustics are men who want to control their wives and daughters, and the plot revolves around their attempts to marry Lucietta to Filippetto. In contrast, the female characters intervene and conspire for their own cause in a much more open and modern spirit.
Grup de Teatre La Palma
The Grup de Teatre la Palma was founded in 1924, at the same time as the Societat Aliança Palmarenca (Palmarenca Alliance Society) and has always been under its protection. This year they celebrate the centenary of their foundation. The first recorded document is that of the representation of Genoveva de Brabant, in March 1926. The group has been one of the main assets of the Societat Aliança Palmarenca, (Palmarenca Alliance Society) which is where the theater stage is located. It is worth mentioning the performance, in September 1934, of the play Terra Baixa (‘Martha of the Lowlands’) and the group’s registration in the Federació Catalana de Societats de Teatre Amateur (Catalan Federation of Amateur Theater Societies). The performances of Els pastorets deserve separate mention. Its history dates back to 1952, with the staging of La venjança de Jesús (‘The Revenge of Jesus’), and was formalized in 1963, with the first performance of L’estel de Natzaret (‘The Star of Nazareth’), until today. During these years, a large number of works have been performed, particularly El ferrer de tall (‘The blacksmith’), Muntanyes del Canigó (‘Canigó Mountains’), La filla del carmesí (‘The Crimson Daughter’), Mare alegria (‘Mother Joy’), L’estudiant de Vic (‘The student of Vic’), The pubill (‘The Heir’), La corona d’espines (‘The crown of thorns’), The rambla de les Floristes (‘The Florists’ Boulevard’), Pel davant i pel darrere (‘Noises Off’), La filla del mar
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