Coproducció ITAE i Escenamateur
Wenesday 23 August
courtyard of the Casa de Cultura de Girona, 22.30 h
Place of origin: Italy-Spain
Language: Spanish and Italian
Duration: 60 minutes
Genre: social theatre / physical theatre / dance theatre
Price: free of charge
The ticket reservation secures the seat up to 10 minutes before the start of the function. From this moment on, the doors will be opened to the public without ticket and for arrival order.
If the flutter of a creature as beautiful and fragile as a butterfly (“farfalla” in Italian) can trigger a great catastrophe, what impact does what we did, almost unconsciously, in the past, in our childhood, have on our lives today? Are we destroyers of our future? Are our ancestors, for what they did and, above all, for what they did not do, responsible for the upsurge of violence? Is it possible to imagine a better future?
Coproducció ITAE i Escenamateur
ITAE brings together young actors and performers from companies all over Europe in an intensive course of advanced theatre training, similar to that of other European national federations. A fundamental aspect of ITAE is the desire to provide young people with the tools to broaden their training in the field of theatre, confronting different artistic realities, both Spanish and international, in the creation of a show. The construction of the show is in constant evolution, as, in addition to the staging, a process of theatrical research takes place at the same time.
Those responsible for the project are Alejandro Cavadas, president of Escenamateur; Maria Beatrice Papagni, director of Nassau Teatro; Irati Morán, a graduate in gestural theatre with Lecog technique; Frida Vela and Eva Garrido, stage direction students at the Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático (RESAD); Maria Grazia di Marco, executive producer of the activities of Bordo delle Querce, and Joseph Tortora, professional actor and dancer.
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