Saber o No Saber
Pol and Su are a well-off couple until one day she receives a personalized anonymous: “I know everything”. How would you react? Do you think it would affect your relationship? Do we all have a secret? And will Pol and Su find out the meaning of these three words, and who it is who knows everything? We will accompany the couple on their emotional journey to try to solve the mystery that surrounds them and tests their relationship.
Saber o No Saber
Saber o No Saber is a newly created company that is nurtured by people linked to the world of theater and gathered around the play Ho sé tot, by Francesc Cutchet. After presenting it in micro-theatre format at the Concurs de Microteatre de Calaf (‘Calaf Micro-Theatre Competition’) and after having obtained the Jury’s First Prize, he decided to extend the work to a duration of 50 minutes and set up as a company with its own entity.
Passionate about theater and in full filming of the cinematographic version of the work, the components of Saber o No Saber have performed in L’Alcavot (Castellar del Vallès), at Casal Pere Quart (Sabadell), at Casal Català dels Hostalets de Pierola, at the Teatre La Patronal (Sant Quirze del Vallès), at the Club Natació Sabadell, at the Casal Familiar in Viladecavalls, at La Sala (Sant Antoni de Vilamajor), at the Auditori de Cal Balsach (Sabadell) and in private homes.
Currently, they continue to perform in various venues in the territory, both in local formats and in larger theaters, and participate, together with an artistic and technical team involved in the project, in the feature-length version of this play.
For the company, Ho sé tot has become a gift of wonderful connections that has culminated in the creation of a team that travels the territory making the spectator experience the here and now of the magic of the theater, and which is transferring the story and the emotional journey of the leading characters, Pol and Su, to the big screen.


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