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La duda (‘The doubt’)

Platea company

Wednesday, August 28 2024
La Mercè, 19.30 h

Place of origin: Tomelloso (Castile-La Mancha)
Language: Catalan
Duration: 60 minutes
Genre: drama
Price: €3

We are in 1964 in the church of Saint Nicholas, in the Bronx of New York. Father Flynn, a brilliant and charismatic priest, tries to challenge the strict rules of the school that Sister Luisa Beauvier has guarded with an iron fist for years as director of the institution. Political changes are reaching all levels of society and the school has just accepted Donald Miller, its first black student.

Platea company

Platea is a group founded in 1993 to finance the study trip of a group of young people. Over time it has become more heterogeneous and is currently made up of very diverse people, who find an approach to various realities and cultural enrichment through amateur theater. After twenty-five years with Aura Sahuquillo as director, in 2019 Alberto Palacios took over as director and premiered Materia reservada (‘Confidential information’), (2020). Platea’s last shows are Páncreas (‘Pancreas’), (2021), La duda (‘The doubt’), (2022), La residencia (‘The residence’), (2023) and Los 80 son nuestros (‘The 80’s are ours’), (2024).

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