Saturaday, 26 August
La Mercè Cultural Centre, 7.30 p.m.
Place of origin: Sant Gregori (Catalunya)
Language: Catalan
Duration: 70 minutes
Genre: comedy
Price: free of charge
The ticket reservation secures the seat up to 10 minutes before the start of the function. From this moment on, the doors will be opened to the public without ticket and for arrival order.
A couple is… (“La parella és…”) love, hate, affection, effect, perfection, love, passion, compassion, feeling, sex, fate, fidelity, separation, honesty, eternal love, forever, never again…; a kind of theatre within the world of theatre.
A play based on texts by Josep Pere Peyró that deals with the world of couples through humour, with a lighthearted and amusing tone but with a critical spirit that highlights the often perverse and cruel background of the relationships established within a couple.
The amateur theatre group IncreiXendo was born in 2010, with a style of theatre that interacts between the dramatic plot and the short stories of texts by authors such as Belbel, Strindberg, Ionesco, Molière, Chekhov, Fo, O’Neill or Vitrac, among others. The company also collaborates occasionally with the Miquel Martí i Pol Library in Sant Gregori, in cultural and leisure activities in Vall de Llémena and organises the Sant Gregori amateur theatre festival.
2011: Relacions (S. Belbel, A. Strindberg, E. Ionesco); 2012: Amb veu de dona (D. Fo, A. Strindberg); 2013: El casament per força (Molière); 2014: Teatre Kbaret and Dones, l’altra cara del mirall (F. Rame, D. Fo, R. Mendizábal) — selected for FITAG —; 2015: Serventes (M. Rodoreda), Infidelity (J. Escabias) — selected for FITAG — and Cendra (various authors) — selected for FITAG —; 2017: Neuròtics del Central Park West (W. Allen) — selected for FITAG —; 2018-2019: La cantant calba (E. Ionesco) —selected for FITAG (award-winning play) —; 2019-2020: Un dia qualsevol (D. Fo) — selected for FITAG —; 2021: Abismes (various authors) — selected for FITAG —; 2022: Mockinpott (P. Weiss) — selected for FITAG. Other productions: El poema de Nadal, El banyastre, La cendrosa and Blancaneu.
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