Producciones El Dramaturgo
Wednesday, 23 august 2023
La Mercè Cultural Centre, 7.30 p.m.
Place of origin: Jerez de la Frontera (Andalusia)
Language: Spanish
Duration: 75 minutes
Genre: sacramental act in a farcical tone
Price: free of charge
The ticket reservation secures the seat up to 10 minutes before the start of the function. From this moment on, the doors will be opened to the public without ticket and for arrival order.
¡Silencio, se piensa! (Silence, we’re thinking!): art as a path to freedom in a world where thought has been replaced by evasion and entertainment.
The director of the Great Theatre of the World has died and two of the company’s actors, Cristino and Don Fiasco, are left to find a future for themselves. However, the world has changed. In a dystopia in which theatre is no longer art but pure entertainment, the Inspectorate of Lives and Shows controls everything and demands submission to a “non-thought”.
The play is defined as a “sacramental act in a farcical tone”. In ¡Silencio, se piensa!, the sacramental act is revamped and used as a critique of both the world’s leading institutions and corporations, who want us to stop thinking in order to make us less free, and of the cultural industry, which is more concerned with making money than with creating critical and independent minds.
Producciones El Dramaturgo
More than just a company, Producciones El Dramaturgo functions as a link between people in the theatre sector. There is no permanent team for all their productions, but rather, depending on the project, they contact the right artists to work together. They believe that, in this way, their projects are enriched by variety without losing the group’s hallmark, which they try to always keep present: the constant search to discover more about life.
Las sillas (The Chairs), by Ionesco (2018), which premiered in Jerez de la Frontera and Madrid, is the company’s first work. Amniótica (Amniotic), by José Mateos (2020) and starring Emilio Rosales, toured Spain and Mexico. It was awarded by the Spanish Academy of Performing Arts and the XII MUTIS Festival in Barcelona and was selected for FITAG 2021. ¡Silencio, se piensa! has won multiple awards at the Burguillos Theatre Competition (best direction, lighting, costumes and set design).
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